Rishabh Garg

Student Researcher | Aspiring Physicist

About Me

Hi! I'm Rishabh Garg, a passionate high school student deeply fascinated by physics, particularly wave sciences and quantum mechanics. My journey in science has been fueled by an insatiable curiosity to understand how the universe works at both macroscopic and microscopic scales. From the mysteries of light and sound waves to the strange behaviors of particles at the quantum level, I am driven to explore the fundamental principles that shape our reality.

Research Projects

Crowd Dynamics Lab

Conducted research on online platforms' terms of services using advanced network analysis methods. Developed novel algorithms to uncover hidden patterns and improve user transparency.

U.S. College Political Polarization Study

Conducted research on the political leanings of colleges within the United States, and their roles in local county voting patterns during presidential elections. Utilized the Bipartisan Press API to numerically categorize semantic language, and performed various statistical tests in Python.


Contacts and Profiles